DEFEND MARIENFELDE Although the P-38 was the first Allied fighter to engage the Luftwaffe's Me 163 rocket fighter, it never actually encountered the Me 262. This is mainly due to the fact that the P-38 had been mostly phased out of service in the European Theater by the time the 262 arrived in number. Had they met in combat, the German jet would have held the upper hand in every way except for turning radius. Like the other American fighters, the P-38 would have needed an initial altitude advantage of at least 3,000 feet to catch the Me 262, which possessed a top speed over 120 mph faster than the Lightning. YOUR MISSION Scramble your schwarm of Me 262s from Brandenburg to intercept the B-17s en route to bomb the Marienfelde Engine Factory. The bombers are escorted by P-38s, so watch your tail and maintain a high rate of speed. Your Me 262s are armed with R4M air-to- air rockets.